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The Mandela Partnership consists of two housing communities in Oakland: Mandela Gateway Apartments consisting of 168 affordable one-, two-, and three-bedroom and Mandela Gateway Townhomes which includes 14 town homes.

The Mandela Partnership consists of two housing communities in Oakland: Mandela Gateway Apartments consisting of 168 affordable one-, two-, and three-bedroom and Mandela Gateway Townhomes which includes 14 town homes.


Mandela Gateway Apartments are located just across Seventh Street from the West Oakland BART Station. The complex provides 168 new affordable rental apartments, over 20,000 square feet of retail space, an outdoor play space for children, community space for residents, a landscaped town square and dedicated spaces for educational classes and after-school programs. Mandela replaced deteriorated public housing, an auto repair shop and a Caltrans parking lot, helping to reestablish Seventh Street as a retail corridor.

Mandela Gateway Townhomes are the second phase of the Mandela Gateway neighborhood revitalization effort. The 14 homes include 10 three-bedroom townhomes (1,480 square feet each) and four three-bedroom condominium flats (1,242 square feet each). One of the homes is accessible to people with mobility, vision and/or hearing impairments. These homes, along with the Mandela Gateway rental development, which includes retail space, play a key role in the revitalization of the West Oakland neighborhood and the West Oakland Transit Village plan.


Mandela Gateway Apartment amenities include a community room with a kitchen and free Wi-Fi, a computer lab, and a gated and covered parking garage. Mandela Gateway Townhome amenities include a washer/dryer hook-up in each home, one-car garage, patio and a shared landscaped area.


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the facade of the building is lit up at night
a woman sitting on a chair in a window
people sitting on benches in front of a tall building

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